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Conference Mingling

Conferences & other activities

An ION conference is held annually. The conference is an important venue for members to share their research, teaching, and consulting expertise. In addition, it is a platform to learn about the host’s business and industry environment, particularly as it relates to international business, multiculturalism, and cross-cultural issues. The ION conference also builds personal and professional relationships, helps us understand each other as full people, and creates a fun environment, all of which are consistent with ION values.


In addition, informal ION dinners or social events occur at the annual Academy of International Business (AIB) and/or Academy of Management (AOM) annual meeting. The goal is to reconnect, build relationships, and learn from one another.


2023 Seoul, South Korea

2022 Online due to the pandemic

2021 Online due to the pandemic

2020 Glenesk, Scotland

2018 Aarhus, Denmark

2017 Dallas, USA

2016 Palo Alto, USA

2015 Berlin, Germany

2014 Sydney, Australia

2013 Victoria, Canada

2012 Heilbronn, Germany

2011 Chattanooga, USA

2010 Portland, USA

2009 Istanbul, Turkey

2008 Boston, USA

2007 Yokohama, Japan

2006 Charleston, USA

2005 Aarhus, Denmark

2004 San Jose, USA

2003 St. Louis, USA

2002 Lausanne, Switzerland

2001 Boston, USA

2000 Charlottesville, USA

1999 Charlottesville, USA



International Organizations Network


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