ION consists of a group of academics and consultants who are dedicated to fostering international and cross-cultural understanding. Through research, teaching, and consulting, ION members strive to improve relations across cultures and countries. A truly international network, members are based around the world, from North America, to Europe, to Asia, to Australia. Members work individually and in tandem to increase knowledge of international business and cross-cultural management issues as well as create learning opportunities for students and organizations to thrive in an increasingly international and cross-cultural environment. Each year, members gather at an annual conference to share knowledge and best practices.
ION is a network of people committed to increasing the quality and impact of research on people and their effectiveness in international organizations.
ION’s vision is to be a catalyst for the creation and application of knowledge and understanding that powerfully impacts how international organizations are managed.
ION members believe that new, important knowledge about social systems is best created in a deep, tightly-linked social system. When people in such networks connect in multiple ways, beyond narrow definitions of work, they understand each others’ backgrounds and contexts and create shared experiences from which the knowledge is generated.

I. We respect the tradition of research in the field while valuing exploration using new paradigms, methods and philosophies.
II. We value intellectual honesty. And in all aspects of scholarly interaction, we value respect, fairness and civility and reject vanity, manipulation and rudeness.
III. While accepting the complexities of the phenomena with which we are dealing, we strive for rigor and quality in our research.
IV. We value and rejoice in our work relationships with each other as much as we value the scholarly outputs that come from those relationships. One cannot be a member of ION without having fun.
V. Individually we have made important contributions to knowledge and practice, but we believe we can have a greater impact working together. And it will be more fun.
VI. We have a revolutionary spirit which infuses our work.

The current structure of ION includes the following rotating positions:
President: Responsible for providing direction, facilitating and coordinating ION initiatives, encouraging all ION actions to support ION norms and values, and supporting the Board.
Currently in this position: Davina Vora, School of Business SUNY New Paltz, USA.
​Vice President of Internet and Communications: Responsible for maintaining and facilitating communication among ION members, and for keeping records of ION activities.
Currently in this position: Sina Grosskopf, International University of Monaco​, Monaco.
Treasurer: Responsible for managing the financial transactions and record keeping for ION activities.
Currently in this position: Iris Berdrow, Bentley University, USA.
Conference Co-Chairs: Oversee and develop the annual conference program structure and content.
Currently in this position:
- Aycan Kara (local arrangements), Indiana University Southeast, USA
- Mary Yoko Brannen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and San Jose State University, USA
- Salma Raheem, University of Liverpool, UK
- Markus Pudelko, University of Tuebingen, Germany
- Juergen Deller, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
- Megan Chan, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden